What does endometriosis look like? And tips on coping with endometriosis


When looking at endometriosis, it is important to know what it looks like, where it is found, and how it functions. This can affect treatment by knowing how medications may or may not affect it and how surgeons can effectively remove it (by knowing its appearance and where to look for it). This week we added the Many Appearances of Endo and Histology of Endometriosis (what it looks like under a microscope) in order to help you understand what endometriosis looks like. More information about the basics of endometriosis can be found in What Is Endometriosis?.

One question that often arises in Nancy’s Nook Facebook group is how to cope with endometriosis while seeking effective treatment. Who better to ask than those who have endometriosis? Several members of the group noted several things that helped them to cope. To date, the most utilized were heat, dietary changes, and distraction. Find out what additional things helped others with endometriosis in Coping with Endometriosis.